On this page:

  • Where will The Process: WILD CARD be held?
  • What’s included in the cost?
  • What do I need to participate?
  • What happens if I quit?
  • Who is on staff?
  • What are we testing?
  • P + E = B

What is The Process: WILDCARD?

The Process is the ultimate challenge for men looking to see what their warrior side is made of. This is not a TV show. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience for the man who’s achieved his own version of excellence but wants to know how far he can really push his limits. It’s a game of sorts. You vs The Process – at least that’s how it starts out. It is a 4-phased process (1) Candidate Selection, (2) Work-ups, self-guided training & self-study, (3) 5-day in-person event, (4) Integration.

The WILD CARD edition offers (2) options based on the selected candidate’s choosing at the time of sign-up.

Option 1: Bet on Yourself – Mimicking the original event, this option allows you to attempt to complete 5 days of The Process with the option to quit at any time. Pay a discounted rate to bet on yourself.

Option 2: Full Send – For those who want to experience all 5 days of the event, we’re offering limited spots for men who want the full experience without the quit function and are willing to pay for it.

Where will The Process be held?

In Northern Ontario, Canada.

Attendees will be given the exact meeting coordinates in their initial package once they have registered. They will be responsible for getting to these coordinates on their own. A bus will pick up the attendees to take the group to their final destination.

What is included in the cost?

The following will be provided for the 5-day undertaking:

  • Food, lodging, and transport to the final destination
  • Each individual who finishes the 5-days will receive a Post-Process Profile a few months after the event customized based on how they performed.

The following items will be provided for the 5-day undertaking but must be returned at completion:

  • Weapon system
  • Sleeping system
  • Climbing system
  • Navigation equipment
  • Uniform
  • Other undisclosed items needed to attempt completion of the Process

What do I need to participate?

Before we accept your registration, you must be interviewed by one of our special ops individuals. Logistics will reach out to you to schedule this call.

If you are selected to participate, you must:

  • Be willing to provide a background check or police certificate before the event
  • Get a physician’s sign-off that you are healthy enough to participate which includes a bloodwork check to ensure every participant and staff’s safety. HIV testing (must include p24 antigen and HIV 1+2 antibodies), Hepatitis B testing (negative Hep B Surface Antigen [HBsAg]), and Hepatitis C.
  • You need to train. The Trials (included) offers a 12-week training program that you should begin as soon as possible. However, if you want to physically thrive additional training is necessary. Suggestions are given to candidates in their Phase 2 workup package. Do your own research. What needs to be achievable to accomplish something that’s aptly named the “special forces experience”?

What happens if I quit?

If you choose the “Bet on Yourself” option and decide to remove yourself from the undertaking, logistics will transport you to the lodging of our choosing. You may stay for a full day to rest. A bus will transport you back to the original coordinates the following morning. Any expense incurred during that time is your responsibility.

If you remove yourself due to weakness of mind, body or spirit, you will not receive a refund.

Quitting is an important function of Phase 3 of The Process. There’s much we can learn from ourselves when we’re met with our edges. This is not a failure but a triumph if you know what to do with it.

If you choose the “Full Send” option, you are also still able to leave if you would really like to…

What’s the cancellation policy?

There are no refunds. Upon certain circumstances, you may switch your serial date one time if you give us 4 months’ notice.

Who ARE the cadre?

Our cadre is made up of retired special forces operators, military, and non-military men and women – some of the best in their respective practices. Go to the About Us page to learn more.

What are some of the areas Phase 3 of The Process is testing?

Beyond physical challenges, the following are tested during the 5-days.

Situational Judgement –

Situational Judgement Tests are a type of psychometric test that presents you with realistic (in this context) workplace situations and a variety of ways in which you could respond to them.

Situational judgment is an important element in a variety of life’s challenges. Implementing various situational judgment tests throughout the Process helps us to identify whether the individual is likely to react to trying situations in the most effective manner.

Big-5 –

The big-five personality test has been used by psychologists for years in order to measure the strength of certain personable characteristics, the accuracy of which has led to its use by prospective employers and recruitment companies.

By creating situations where a candidate’s “true colors” shine through, we are able to get a much more accurate reading on the big five personality traits.

Inductive Reasoning –

Inductive reasoning tests measure your ability to logically and rationally solve problems based on observed patterns.

Psychological research has found that inductive reasoning tests are highly valid measures of a person’s cognitive ability and therefore is a frequently used selection tool in some elite organizations.

Numerical Reasoning –

Numerical reasoning is the ability to understand and draw a logical conclusion from numerical data. Psychometric research has found that numerical reasoning tests are powerful predictors of high-performance.

Mechanical Reasoning –

Mechanical reasoning tests measure an individual’s ability to understand and solve mechanical, physical and technical problems. We will assess the candidate’s ability to work with pulleys, pivots, weights, forces, fluid and other mechanical/physical principles under distress.

Verbal Reasoning –

Verbal reasoning is the ability to understand, comprehend and critically evaluate written or verbally communicated information. Verbal reasoning tests typically provide a passage of information, around a paragraph in length, and require candidates to answer questions related to the information presented in that passage or to simply follow directions under distress.

Critical Thinking –

Critical thinking tests measure an individual’s ability to analyze, conceptualize and reason effectively. Critical thinking tests will be used to measure critical thinking in a number of ways. They will often comprise of multiple different sub-tests within a single test.

Mental Fortitude and Resilience –

The Resilience Tests determine the strengths of certain personality traits from the individual’s responses to them, which will provide a greater understanding of their current characteristics, helping to promote self-improvement by presenting areas of limitation.

(p)Personality + (e)Environment = (b)Behavior

(p)Personality = Big 6 + Dark Triad + Low/High Self-Monitor + Health + Motivations + Values + Genetics + Classified A + Clasisfied B + Classified C

Why would I want to do this?

Throughout the Process, our behavior analyst team will be monitoring everything you say, do, and don’t do. After you’ve completed The Process, you’ll receive a thorough Post-Process Profile from our team on your favorite topic – you.

The Post-Process Profile will break down and analyze the (p)Personality traits and tendencies and (b)Behaviors observed after you’ve been stripped of your identity and placed in cognitive and physical challenges. In order to accept something about yourself, especially something uncomfortable, it first must be recognized. This kind of acceptance takes place when you build up the courage to put yourself in situations where you can really look into your own shadows. That’s the only true way to understand an individual’s strengths, shortcomings, and blind-spots. Awareness of one’s limitations is an initial stage of optimizing the Self.

(p)Personality + (e)Environment = (b)Behavior

In this context, (p)Personality is defined as the combination of your traits, values, and motivations that form your distinctive character that commonly can be modified through experience. (e)Environment is defined as the surroundings or conditions in which you operate. (b)Behavior is defined as your observable activity in which a coordinated pattern of sensory, motor and associated neural activity responds to your changing external or internal conditions.

As you take responsibility for your (p)Personality, The Process alters your (e)Environment[al] reality through cognitive and physical challenges which will affect your (b)Behavior. After this undertaking, some men will go out with a whimper, and some will radically upgrade their ability to respond to stimulus consciously and wisely. While we can’t guarantee you’ll fall into the latter category, we can promise you’ll have an entirely new perspective on your Self which is a priceless leap forward in itself.