Serial 06

31 signed up for Serial 06. 28 showed up. 1 finished.

Congratulations to Manuel Pottek

Serial 05

35 signed up for Serial 05. 24 showed up. 2 finished.

Congratulations to Rizwan Mohiuddin and #35 Dylan Auld.

Serial 04

31 signed up for Serial 04. 12 showed up. 1 finished. A special acknowledgment to several of the men in Serial 04 who have been waiting to participate since Serial 01. They were pushed back a few years due to border restrictions which obviously added complications to their training and preparation.

Finisher: #8 Adam D.

special forces experience finisher

I am extremely grateful for everything that the SFE has introduced into my life. I found you all at a time when I needed you the most. Specifically, I found in the SFE mentorship, guidance and leadership. I was still in the process of dealing with my divorce and all the changes that came with that, emotionally and practically, when I found the SFE.  Prior to my divorce, I knew my purpose; to provide for my family and raise kids. Post-divorce, childless and no family to provide for, I was feeling very listless/directionless. The SFE led me towards making better, healthier and more sound decisions. Through the Trials, I asked myself some questions that I had never considered before. Learning about my values, my wants, desires, boundaries… I finally got to a place where I felt like I was actually the captain of the ship that is my life and no longer just a passenger being guided by the winds of the world.

Through the various challenges and assignments, I could tell that my innate happiness was improving, my confidence was growing and my general tendency towards negative energy was diminishing. I know that is all very vague, but I don’t know a better way to describe it. I really like the online community and am dedicated to participating more. It is a great space to share thoughts openly and safely with like minded individuals. I thought The Process was fun. I am disappointed in my performance and really wish I had some hindsight to train a bit differently so I could learn more of the lessons that are available in the event. That being said, I have no regrets. I am in the best shape I have ever been physically, I have better nutrition and mental health programs set in place and motivation to keep improving.

-Jason H.

I don’t know how much you know about me or my story but in November of 2018 I was diagnosed with PTS (I don’t call it PTSD anymore thanks to Jeff and listening to him speak on podcasts…). I was stuck in the middle of how to advance my career/life. My career as a Fire Fighter/Paramedic lead to PTS but my true passion was to help others. I took a position with very successful company and started at the bottom, making my way to the top ranking manager for Health and Safety within my first 6 years. Many would be proud… I felt empty. I turned to the Canadian Armed Forces to join as a reservist and continue training as a Medical Technician, but was rejected due to my previous PTS diagnosis. I became lost, struggling with the label and fighting if I should’ve just remained to suffer in silence… I’ve been lost since.

To this day, I still feel this empty place… Something that’s just right. The hunt continues. Although my time with the SFE was extremely brief I can honestly say the impact during the phases leading up to The Process and The Process itself was honestly potentially lifesaving for me. What you, Jeff and the rest of the Cadre are doing is the definition of good work. The world needs more people like the leaders within the SFE community. I’ll never forget my time there.

I’m still struggling but I’m learning that struggling is ok… I apologize for my performance at The Process. I owed the Cadre and the rest of the candidates a better performance. In the days leading up to The Process, I walked out on my job, stopped taking my medication out of frustration, nearly walked out on my family and showed up at rock bottom. Lost.

I have had to have some hard conversations since I have been home. First with my family, then my employer… We’re working on things. Sessions with my therapist have started again (I am planning on reaching out to Dr. Danielle McGinnis as I haven’t had great success with other therapists in the past) and medication has been altered for the time being. As mentioned, there’s still an empty feeling… Maybe it’s the unknown of the rest of The Process, maybe it’s what’s next. For now, I’m taking things day by day.

The SFE has opened doors and introduced me to a network of people that I feel really care. I felt alone prior to the SFE, I don’t feel alone anymore… Thank you. From the start, the professionalism and organization of the SFE was world class. Truly a well thought out and 100% worth every dollar. In fact, if possible, I am contemplating working further on myself and pursuing the option of attempting The Process again once I have spent some time looking further inward and caring for myself. The Process showed me I’m worth something, prior to finding this community (even though I had a loving wife/family, solid career with good income, house, new vehicles, you name it) I felt like I wasn’t enough and things weren’t enough. I mentioned there’s still an empty place… I don’t know if that’s the constant pursuit of something better or if it’s something I haven’t healed yet… Either way, it’s certainly comforting knowing the support of the SFE will do what they can to help where they can.

Through the various challenges and assignments, I could tell that my innate happiness was improving, my confidence was growing and my general tendency towards negative energy was diminishing. I know that is all very vague, but I don’t know a better way to describe it. I really like the online community and am dedicated to participating more. It is a great space to share thoughts openly and safely with like minded individuals. I thought The Process was fun. I am disappointed in my performance and really wish I had some hindsight to train a bit differently so I could learn more of the lessons that are available in the event. That being said, I have no regrets. I am in the best shape I have ever been physically, I have better nutrition and mental health programs set in place and motivation to keep improving.

-Dan M.

My experience with the SFE experience has not yet set itself in my mind it still feels like a blur. although It has had some impacts on me thus far like I am not stressing about being “still” I am open-minded to being still and calculating my next moves in life, and I do not feel incredible discomfort when I sense another person’s displeasure as I had once felt. I have confidence in my opinion and voice. After returning home to my old environment I see how it shapes me and I see how different the world actually is compared to my everyday life.
upon returning home I have been taking things super slowly just trying to find peace in sitting and being still. I want something to do that is what I know I want to do, I am just soul searching for that said thing. Really what has come from The Experience is my newfound open-mindedness to being still and feels so very important like I don’t have to stress every time I stop moving. This is not a completed response I do wish to come back to this after giving some more as I said this has not fully set in and I would like to speak more of it a couple of weeks down the line when I am moving again.
Thank you. It really was nothing less than an honour to be in the presence of the cadre. I really appreciate knowing that there are people out there that have larger agendas than just solely themselves you all opened my mind to a larger world than the one I perceive in my everyday life.
-Raiden H.
special forces experience serial 04
special forces rucksacks
Special Forces Experience cadre
special forces experience travis eagles

Serial 03

35 signed up for Serial 03. 24 showed up. 4 finished.

Finisher: #38 Aaron G.

special forces experience the process finisher

Finisher: #12 Alex S.

special forces experience the process finisher

Finisher: #45 Carter W.

special forces experience the process finisher

Finisher: #37 Dan K.

special forces experience the process finisher

Serial 02

35 signed up for Serial 02. The Americans were moved to Serial 04 which will be held in the US due to border restrictions. 14 Canadians were left. 12 showed up. 0 finished. Special recognition to Julian Rites (CAN32) who was the first candidate to spend nearly 24 hours alone as the last man standing.

To preserve the integrity of the unknown experience for future candidates, we will only publish photos from the first few days of The Process Serial 02.

“As the name implies, this is not an “Event”,  it is not an “Accolade”, nor should you consider it purely a “Crucible”. This is “The Process”. Beginning the moment you sign up, you are on a guided journey inward which, If navigated authentically has the potential to change your life. Once you are primed for growth then you are thrust into 8 days of pure chaos. Trust me when I say bring your best to this portion of the event, anything less will not do. I cannot speak to the full 8-day experience as my class went black on day 6 but in those 6 days I did many things I have never done, a few I thought I couldn’t and I found something more important to me then the finish line… one thing about the process was clear from start to finish if you are willing to pay for each lesson with effort they will teach you things you can’t learn anywhere else.” -#32

“I just wanted to take a second to write you and let you know how thankful I am that you have built this super special experience and allowed me to be a part of it. Although my time in the process was shorter than hoped, I learned more in that one day than I can easily put into words. The last year of prepping for the process and participating in the trials has definitely changed me and helped me evolve into a better man. As well as give me more fulfillment and meaning than I have had in a long time! I sincerely hope you continue to share your wealth of knowledge and leadership with this incredible thing you have created!” -#25

“My involvement in this program has been an incredible force for good in my life. Obviously, you guys haven’t known me long term, but if you had, you’d know how telling that positive outlook at failure is. Fear of failure has been the chief driving force behind every accomplishment I’ve ever made. Even coming into phase 3 I was terrified of not making completion. Even 18 months ago that failure last week would have crushed my confidence and self-worth, I would’ve been a mess. Thanks to the work I’ve done based on the program your team has put together I’ve built enough emotional resilience to accept my falling short and immediately find the bright spots and lessons within an experience. That reaction honestly surprised me too. I cannot possibly thank you and your team enough for facilitating my growth in this, and many other areas. This experience has meant more to me than you will likely ever know. “-#26

From the moment I submitted my application to join The Process, to my final day of this amazing adventure, The Process was everything I needed and could have asked for at this moment in my life.  The promotional videos and the Serial 01 video interviews give one only a small glimpse into what is a profound experience.  Upon boarding the bus I may have thought I had an idea of what I was getting into – only to quickly discover that it was nothing like I had expected, but everything I could have wished for and needed, at that time.  Entering The Process at age 43, there was a taunting voice in my head reminding me that my prime was over a decade ago and that the past 10 years had introduced me to aches and pains that didn’t exist in my early 30s.  What one finds out very quickly however, is that The Process is age blind, and was going to challenge not only my training and fitness level, but my level of grit as well.  And fortunately for me, grit is something I’ve been blessed to hold an abundance of.  I found The Process to be very well thought through, designed to apply a constant level of antagonism that scratches at every part of ones being, mentally and physically.  There is truly nothing in this experience – for good or bad – that didn’t have me suspicious that it was by design, and that I was exactly where The Process wanted me to be, from the moment I took my seat on the bus. -#5

I feel very grateful to have been a part of The Process. I was definitely on a high when I tapped out. It was a surprisingly powerful experience. There was a mix of emotions in the days following for sure. Emotions were very close to the surface. Probably like most of the men there, I’m not used to not finishing something. I had my reasons, and have made peace with my decision, but those first days afterward were not easy! There is the part of quitting that stings, no matter the reason, and then there’s the part of wondering what I missed out on – both in the sense of fun new skills, but also, and most importantly, on how deep I could’ve gone into myself. Rereading the literature on the SFE website, I understand so much more deeply now what you are teaching. PTG is a real thing. I just scratched the surface with it, but it started changing me, I think. I’m happy I was able to expand my capacity a bit, and hang with the big boys for as long as I did. I’m currently up north taking a few days to let this stuff sink in. The generosity of your invitation didn’t fully register with me until I was out there. -#33

Serial 01

28 signed up. 22 showed up. 7 finished. We’re retiring the numbers 10-20-23-18-21-14-9 in honor of the first 7 men to survive The Process Serial 1 (May 2019). Congratulations to Joel Duthie (CAN10), Phil Wong (CAN20), Travis Eagles (CAN23), Nermin Ceric aka Tactical Jesus (CAN18), Stephan Faiazza (CAN 21), Landon Sorokan aka Mr. June (CAN14), Ira Macdonald aka Ol’ Nine Fingers (CAN9).

To preserve the integrity of the unknown experience for future candidates, we will only publish photos from the first few days of The Process Serial 01.

Finisher – #10 Joel D.

Finisher – #10 Joel D.

#1 Adam O. and #8 Gordo I.

#11 Johnathon C.

Finisher – #23 Travis E. (Click image below to listen to podcast)

Finisher – #21 Stephan F. (Click image below to listen to podcast)

  • “I have competed in over 325 endurance events and been involved in incidents were lives were lost, and saved. Your application of stress through physical direction and mental fatigue was excellently administered. I saw your Cadre take hope from the students. They removed them through removing their spirit.  I’ve never seen this done before. Well done.”
  • “Believe me when I say it’s been a dream come true. The precision of the whole week and the attention to detail you guys put into was incredible to be a part of. You guys practice what you preach, and you showed me that you can be a Warrior in every aspect of your life. That’s the mentality I’m trying to incorporate with all areas of my life from now on, so again, Thank You. You gave me an invaluable gift.”
  • “I will hold a special place for the 6 other men / brothers that survived with me from the 30 that started.  I will take all the lessons I learned and reflect on each to make myself a better man.  This was truly a life changing event. Although the future is uncertain and challenges yet to be determined and conquered, I know I am ready for anything and for whatever life brings me.  I have learned some valuable lessons that I will continue to explore through phase 4 and already find myself making some changes that feel good. I mean who doesn’t like getting up at 5am everyday right ;-). I love my family, my girls, my wife and most importantly my life.  I did it buddy!”
  • “I lavished the days of suffering in your program as a learning tool of personal development. The tasks and program was well done by all. I give this compliment not only from a participant of your event, but also a participant in the process of caring for, or protecting people for over 25 years.  This has mostly been done under the auspice of life safety and  enforcement. The logistical planning, and the “possible outcomes and response” planning was evident.”
  • “Learned a pretty good lesson.  Just because I wanted to be ready, doesn’t mean I was ready.  It will all come back. I will definitely make it back and will be 100 percent, I did not like the taste of failure.”
  • “It was a great experience all around even for the short time I was there, definitely gained more out of just 3 days in the program than I could have ever imagined. What you and the Cadre put together was incredible and I can’t wait to see what this course becomes in the coming years. Maybe not next year, but I will be back – won’t let the SFE get the best of me that easily!
  • “During the entire time I was participating in your program the evidence of pre planning and execution of events was impeccably demonstrated. I’ve been responsible for the movement, direction, coordination and response of entire police departments and security details.  You and your team’s actions rivaled that of the most well rehearsed mission execution that I have ever been a part of. I never felt like, or observed anything operating out of bounds, or felt like control wasn’t immediately accessible. It was soothing in a weird way. I found myself escaping the pain of my life through the controlled pain and suffering that your program delivered. I miss it.”
  • “Thank you for giving me the opportunity to participate in the “Process”. I got my as whooped early but everything leading up to being there….I wouldn’t trade for anything. The 7 month journey to who and where I am now has been worth it hands down. The Process had a good impact on me I feel better about myself. I don’t feel like I tapped out. I stepped out of the “comfort bubble” that most of us exist in and did something absolutely crazy and off the rails. That was worth that experience alone.”
  • “I feel so grateful and appreciative to have been able to participate in this first serial. It was such a great growth experience that I could never get anywhere else…”
  • “It was one hell of a challenge and I got way more out of it than I expected. The Cadre really made sure I was out of my comfort zone, and I’m grateful for it. I learned some valuable lessons about leadership and teamwork, and got a ton of insight on myself as a person.”